Whomp 'Em

Title: Whomp 'em

Source: ??

Type: Ice-Breaker, Name Activity
Recommended Group Size: 8-12
Props: Half-length pool noodle (or equivalent)

Directions: Have the group sit in a circle with their legs straight towards the middle. One volunteer will start standing up with the noodle in the middle. A person in the circle will begin by saying their name and then the name of someone else in the circle. This passes the "turn" to them. They must then say their name and someone else's to pass the "turn" before the person in the middle "whomps 'em" with the noodle. Instruct the person in the middle to only whomp people's feet.

Activity Specific
: Land based

Time Needed: 10 min
Additional Comments: Great way to energize a group and make sure they know each others' names.

Water Walk

Title: Water Walk  (aka Jasmine's Tea Party)

Source: ??
Type: Group Development

Recommended Group Size: 5-8

Props: Bandana, plastic 16 oz cup, water

Directions: Instruct the group that they need to carry the cup full of water (leave about 1/4 inch at the top of the cup) using the bandana. They all need to be holding the bandana with both hands. They should hold near the edge. The bandana needs to stay taut. Give them a route to carry the water. If the cup spills you can have them start over, or begin from that spot depending on the level of challenge needed.

Activity Specific: Land based

Processing Outcomes: Communication, Problem Solving, Balance

Time Needed: 20-30 min depending on route difficulty

Additional Comments: You could make all members of the group silent.

Deck of Cards

Title: Deck of Cards
Type: Group Development

Recommended Group Size: 5 - 10 people per deck of cards

Props: Deck of playing cards

Directions: The task is for the group to put the deck of cards in order as they would originally come in the pack (Ace low - King High, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades) as quickly as possible. This will require several tries as they develop roles. Each round will begin with the facilitator fanning out the cards on the ground. Time starts when the facilitator says "being."  If you have a large group, split them into two and after several tries bring the groups together to organize both decks together. Allow them time to process with each other on their strategy and group learning.

Activity Specific: Land based

Processing Outcomes: Communication,  Decision Making, Problem Solving

Time Needed: 15-20 min
Additional Comments: This is a great alternative to Key Punch if you don't have the space or want something more packable for a trip.

Tennis Ball Madness

Title: Frenzy (tennis ball madness)

s: First Step Training
Teach Me Teamwork

Type: Group Development

Recommended Group Size: 10+

Props: One hula hoop for each group and one hula hoop in the middle. LOTS of small balls (tennis, splash, etc.)

Directions: Each group is given directions on a piece of paper telling what their group is supposed to do. The directions are the same for each group but they don't know that. When you say "start" the groups need to complete the task given to them on the paper.

Sample Directions:
1) You win by getting all the balls in your hula hoop
2) You can only move one ball at a time (no throwing)
3) You cannot remove balls from other hula hoops until the middle is empty
4) You cannot guard the balls in your hoop

Activity Specific: Land based

Processing Outcomes: Competition, Win-win situations
Time Needed: 15-20 min
Additional Comments: Allow groups several attempts to refocus their plan. This is a great activity because most people assume that they are competing against the other teams and there can only be one winner. The solution to this activity is for each group to keep the balls in the middle hoop and every team places their hoop in the middle.

Magic Carpet Ride

Type: Initiative

Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Activity: Turn the tarp over to other side with all other group members standing on it. (aka, the Magic Carpet)
  • Place a large tarp on the ground.
  • Have all group members stand on tarp and work together to flip over to other side without anyone stepping off.
Risk Management: Spotters ready when participants are attempting to hop to other side. 
Props: Tarp

Potential Processing Outcomes: Goal setting, Communication, Teamwork 

Cup Stack

Type: Initiative

Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Activity: Stack cups without using hands as a group.
  • Divide groups into groups of six.  Give each group 10 cups and one string.
  • Place the cups on a table, spread out, upside down.
  • The group must build a pyramid with 10 cups without using their hands (even if it falls to the ground).
  • Each member must hold on to one piece of string from the other cup to move the cups.
Props: 10 paper cups of equal size, cup with 6 pieces of string on it.

Group size: at least 6

Potential Processing Outcomes: Goal setting, Communication, Teamwork 

Funky Dunk

Type: Initiative

Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Activity: To make a basket only using noodles.
  • Give each person a noodle.
  • Place a basketball at half court.
  • Only thing that can touch the basketball is the noodle.
  • Participants get ball from half court and attempt to make a basket only using the noodles.
Risk Management: Facilitator be aware of rough housing amongst participants, basketball flying in the air.
Props: basketball (or similar)

Potential Processing Outcomes: Goal setting, Communication, Teamwork