Title: Whomp 'em
Source: ??
Type: Ice-Breaker, Name Activity
Recommended Group Size: 8-12
Props: Half-length pool noodle (or equivalent)
Directions: Have the group sit in a circle with their legs straight towards the middle. One volunteer will start standing up with the noodle in the middle. A person in the circle will begin by saying their name and then the name of someone else in the circle. This passes the "turn" to them. They must then say their name and someone else's to pass the "turn" before the person in the middle "whomps 'em" with the noodle. Instruct the person in the middle to only whomp people's feet.
Activity Specific: Land based
Time Needed: 10 min
Additional Comments: Great way to energize a group and make sure they know each others' names.
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