
Outdoor Education students at Georgia College developed this blog to offer a platform where current students, faculty, and alumni can grow from each others knowledge and experience.  We are looking for initiatives, energizers, group development activities, and ice breakers that you have found effective and you just love to use.  The more variety the better.  In addition to submitting activities, we would love to have your comments about how you adapt use and adapt them with different groups.

No Games Allowed
Wondering about the name?  Many people outside our field think we just "play games" and we know that this could not be further from the truth. Yes, someone could put together a bunch of "games" for a group; a bunch of games does not an outdoor educator make. The activities we choose to include in a program design should have a distinct purpose.  As we strive to become better educators and facilitators, we strive to make sure there are no games allowed in our programs.

Want to contribute?  Check out the How to Contribute page for the details.