Title: Deck of Cards
Type: Group Development
Recommended Group Size: 5 - 10 people per deck of cards
Props: Deck of playing cards
Directions: The task is for the group to put the deck of cards in order as they would originally come in the pack (Ace low - King High, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades) as quickly as possible. This will require several tries as they develop roles. Each round will begin with the facilitator fanning out the cards on the ground. Time starts when the facilitator says "being." If you have a large group, split them into two and after several tries bring the groups together to organize both decks together. Allow them time to process with each other on their strategy and group learning.
Activity Specific: Land based
Processing Outcomes: Communication, Decision Making, Problem Solving
Time Needed: 15-20 min
Additional Comments: This is a great alternative to Key Punch if you don't have the space or want something more packable for a trip.
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