Title: Frenzy (tennis ball madness)
Sources: First Step Training
Teach Me Teamwork
Type: Group Development
Recommended Group Size: 10+
Props: One hula hoop for each group and one hula hoop in the middle. LOTS of small balls (tennis, splash, etc.)
Directions: Each group is given directions on a piece of paper telling what their group is supposed to do. The directions are the same for each group but they don't know that. When you say "start" the groups need to complete the task given to them on the paper.
Sample Directions:
1) You win by getting all the balls in your hula hoop
2) You can only move one ball at a time (no throwing)
3) You cannot remove balls from other hula hoops until the middle is empty
4) You cannot guard the balls in your hoop
Activity Specific: Land based
Processing Outcomes: Competition, Win-win situations
Time Needed: 15-20 min
Additional Comments: Allow groups several attempts to refocus their plan. This is a great activity because most people assume that they are competing against the other teams and there can only be one winner. The solution to this activity is for each group to keep the balls in the middle hoop and every team places their hoop in the middle.
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